Marketing Based On Personality & Values BANK – Interview with Jen Draper
Marketing based on personality & values isn’t rocket science, but in today’s episode our guest, Jen Draper, started her working life leading and managing just that, rocket scientist. When Jen was ready for something new, she turned to work as an independent contractor and financial planner. Naturally, Jen’s next steps involved hours of sales training, scripts, and talking to more than 100 people a day. After quickly realizing this method of soul-sucking sales just wasn’t going to work for her she turned to what she knew best, SCIENCE! She discovered a methodology in the world that is scientifically validated to predict buying behavior in 90 seconds or less. Today, Audrey and Jen are going to talk to us about Jen’s system, BANK, and why it is improving communication with clients, prospects, friends, and family.