How to Boost Your SEO Rankings Through Blogging

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Picture of Audrey Kerchner

Audrey Kerchner

Chief Marketing Strategist, Inkyma

You’ve worked hard to create a great organization that provides top-notch products and services. Now, you need to get your brand out there. But how will people in your community know about your company? Most people turn to Google when searching for services in their area. Search engines rank the sites they think the user wants to see. So it’s important to optimize your website to appear in search results. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a method of boosting traffic from organic search results on major search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Blogging Benefits SEO Rankings

Blogging is one of the easiest, most cost-effective ways to improve your search rankings. Regularly posting new content jump-starts SEO for your site. Keeping the content freshly updated helps search engines like Google find your site. Search engines employ complex algorithms to determine the most relevant content to show their users. Blogs improve your search engine rankings by displaying your company’s expertise by posting new, relevant content full of keywords. Regular content is key because algorithms tend to weigh in favor of fresh content, pushing it toward the top.

Adding Value for Readersblogging for marketing image

Blogging also adds value to readers who visit your site. The crux is to incorporate keywords naturally into posts rather than stuffing them into existing content on the site. Great websites are constantly growing and changing. A blog lets you provide valuable content that doesn’t fit anywhere else on your site. When customers are searching for your product or service, they want to find an established industry leader. By creating posts with relevant information, you are establishing your voice as an authority in your field.

By having best practices in place, you can see a boost in traffic to your company’s website. At Inkyma, we design custom content marking strategies for web media. Contact us at (908) 963-1509, if you’d like help creating blog posts that inform customers and boost SEO.

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