The Importance of Brand Continuity

brand continuity
Picture of Audrey Kerchner

Audrey Kerchner

Chief Marketing Strategist, Inkyma

brand continuity

When it comes to marketing, people often think of several aspects of a company’s image: social media posts, color schemes, logos, or even slogans.  But many people do not recognize the more significant trends in their brand’s decisions and how these deeply affect customer growth and loyalty.  A good brand will keep its image consistent, and often customers flock to the brands that are loyal to their reputation, which helps with company growth and increasing sales.

What are the best ways to increase brand recognition after I have resolved my brand consistency?

The best ways to increase your brand recognition after establishing brand continuity would be to engage on social media, keep consistent communication through company marketing, and interact with your customers regularly.

Why You Need Consistent Branding

Branding is one of the most critical aspects of your business, and without it, you could lose customers and business.  Today, only 18% of all companies focus on customer attention, which can lead to many issues over time if this is unchanged. With over 65% of existing customers producing the sales for companies, it is essential to pay attention to customers’ responses!

Many companies who know the power of branding stand out immensely.  Apple has its iconic apple, and Nike has a “just do it” attitude that people can’t forget.  Brand continuity is the key to success for any company.  If you can master your brand marketing, you will see your business succeed!

How to Maintain a Brand Continuity

A brand is a person’s gut feeling about a company and its products, services, and what they have to offer their clients.  If you have a consistent brand, your customers will constantly know what to expect from you.  To maintain strong brand continuity, here are some methods that the most successful businesses worldwide use.

Focus on Keeping Your Brand Close to Your Values

Your brand is your business and vice versa.  The values that you have created for your company are what makes your brand and how your customers see you. Once you identify your values and what you want your customers to know, you will keep your brand consistent and send a strong message that they can expect that you’re a reliable choice for their needs.

Find a Logo and Slogan That Fit Your Vision

No matter what industry you operate in, it would help if you had a logo and a slogan that match what your company represents.  For Nike, it’s the iconic swoosh. Coca-Cola has its iconic cursive lettering that people worldwide can recognize, let alone the famous red can! Think about what best represents your vision and tailor your efforts to your ideas.  The best logos are often simple but representative of who you are as a firm.

Rethink Your Brand 

Have you ever been told that you need to rebrand? If your current efforts are not working, it is not worth continuing with the same methods and patterns to market your firm to the customers.  Sometimes, you do need a rebranding of your company’s image because you might be losing customers due to your current brand image.

When you embark on rebranding, you can refresh your logo, develop a new strategy for marketing, or even completely change your website.  Rebranding might be the best decision in some cases to help you on the path to brand continuity if your current efforts are not getting the results you need.

Establish a Strong Brand Voice

More so than what your company looks like to your audience, you also need to focus on what you sound like to your customers.  Your brand voice is the lifeblood of your company and what your customers will hear from you most often. If you don’t have consistency, you won’t maintain or grow as you desire to.

Once you identify how you want to present yourself, you can maintain this brand voice for your customers. Studies show that the more customers trust your brand, the more likely they will buy your services.  A 5% increase in customer attention leads to profit increases of up to 95% for many companies!

Final Thoughts on Branding

Brand consistency is not as difficult as you might think, but you can focus on the above steps and find a way to maintain your success and grow your customer base. In addition, the more consistent your image is, the more likely existing customers will refer new customers to you! If you would like to find out more about branding and marketing, contact us today!

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