![want more clients](https://inkyma.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Blog_Post_2_Mar.jpg)
Want more clients? Focusing on what customers want will help you get more clients. The services you offer are the solution to your potential customer’s external problems. But what about their internal struggles? First show customers that you understand their internal issues. Then you can describe how your company is the solution.
When creating content, first speak to the customer’s internal struggles. Let them know you understand them better than your competitor. Then elaborate on how your company solves their problems. Next, focus on the clients’ external issues and how your services are the solution.
How do you ensure a customer’s needs are met?
Ensure your customers are happy with their needs met by listening to all customer feedback you get, however good or bad. Always communicate with your customers through social media or personally on email to understand any issues that may arise. And, if needed, develop new services and products based on this customer feedback.
External Problems vs. Internal Struggles
In your online content marketing, make a distinction between internal and external problems. External problems are surface issues. These are visible and clear to an outside observer. But they are not the reason a customer chooses your product or services. It is because of their internal struggles, personal fears or frustrations.
Companies tend to sell products and services that offer solutions to external problems. But people want to buy solutions to internal struggles. Forge a bond with customers by relating to their inner frustrations and solve that problem with your product or services. Then they will see your message as more meaningful to their lives and become a fan of your company.
In this way, you can bond with your customers in a way that so many other businesses cannot, solely because they only think about external problems. When you talk about your customers’ internal struggles, you can let them know that you see them, you can bond with them, and you can make them feel understood. And, as a result, you can increase your sales and get more clients.
Example of External and Internal Problems
Consider the case of a residential cleaning company. If they were to only focus on external problems, they would talk about dirty floors and grimy windows. Sure, on the surface, people want to live in a clean home. But what do the customers really want? The internal frustrations can be deep and multifaceted. They want their family to be healthy. They want to spend more time doing the things they enjoy. They want to feel proud to have visitors in their home.
This is their internal struggle. If you want more clients, target these feelings in your web copy, blogs, and social media posts. Let them know that you don’t just see their external problems — you see their internal problems and can help solve these issues that they have. Your company and your products are the solutions.
Relate to Get More Clients
The cleaning company first empathizes with the customer by recognizing their desires. Then they offering a solution. The customers will feel like this company relates to them on a personal level. When people feel a connection, they are more likely to engage online. They might like, follow, or signing up for an eNewsletter. And that is how you generate leads. When these customers are ready to buy, they are more likely to choose a company they have a relationship with.
The only way you’ll truly understand how to help your customers realize that you can solve their internal problems is by understanding your customers through and through. Understanding your target is crucial for all aspects of your business. To find out your customers’ internal struggles, think about what your target audience truly wants. What are their dreams? Their hopes for their family? Their desires for success?
Once you understand your target audience, you should understand their internal struggles. If you want more clients, directing all your copy to solving this internal problem is the way to go.
Get the Word Out
You need to post your message where your audience can see it. Talk about internal struggles on your website home page, especially in the hero image copy. Use this messaging in all social media posts, ads, and blog articles. When creating content, first address the customer’s internal struggles. Relate to their lives and offer a solution. Then discuss the external problems and how your products and services solve them to get more clients.
Customers enjoy talking and connecting with real-life humans, rather than AIs, so ensure that your business actually sounds empathetic. Nobody likes ready social media posts that sound like every other business before them. Same old same old. Instead, tailor your writing to fit your brand while still making sure that you sound like a human, and not like a robot.
As all your writing should have the same tone and overall message, customers should be able to understand that you can solve their internal struggles regardless of how they come across your company, whether it be your Instagram posts or your business website. Customers respond to messaging that solves their internal struggles — so your copy needs to reflect that.
Want More Clients?
Are you unsure how to identify and address potential customer’s internal problems? We can walk you through the process and craft the language for you! Schedule a time to talk with us.