The 1 Secret To Increase Email Newsletter Engagement

Email Newsletter
Picture of Audrey Kerchner

Audrey Kerchner

Chief Marketing Strategist, Inkyma

Connect with your customers, increase sales and help potential customers solve their problems. All of this can be accomplished with an email newsletter. Just as with other forms of communication, you need to make sure you’re working to always increase engagement.

What do you need to increase engagement? VIDEO 

Utilize Video In Your Email Newsletters

Social media users prefer video to images or written posts. 95% of viewers retain information better from a video than from text. Video has become the preferred way to communicate with customers effectively, so why wouldn’t you utilize it in your email newsletters?

Sharing a video in your newsletter amid images or other blocks of text can greatly help increase your overall engagement. Plus, it helps keep your newsletter fresh and creative, as your customers don’t want to see the same thing time and time again.

With Constant Contact and Mailchimp, you can “embed” a video from Youtube so that it’s click-to-play within the email for your customers. Create a new newsletter template around this video and you have a fun new way to engage with your customers!  

Keep Your Emails Creative and Fresh

It’s important to always keep your email newsletters fresh, as it’s easy to fall into an unchanging pattern and template with each email sent. By adding video, you instantly revive a tried and true method of communications.

Plus, you can share tons of different videos in these emails. Product reviews and roundup list videos would be great additions to your newsletters. Play around with video ideas and your creativity as you strive to make your content new and original!  

Increase Your Email Newsletter Engagement Now

Do you want to increase your overall newsletter engagement, but aren’t sure where to start? Schedule a time to chat with us to learn more about how we can help.

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