Top 3 Marketing Tools for Attracting Clientele Who Pay What You Are Worth

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Tired of potential customers questioning your prices? Maybe you just need to attract different clients. There are people out there who are ready and willing to pay top dollar for services and goods from knowledgeable professionals. Consider the case of an entrepreneur with a bachelor’s degree in interior design and many years of experience working in her field. She has calculated an hourly rate based on her education and experience. She knows what she’s worth, now she needs to attract clients who are willing to pay for high-caliber services and products.

A modern, professional website is the first signal of quality goods and services. Once potential clients are on your website, you can educate them via a blog and newsletter. Go beyond a basic portfolio by showcasing your services through case studies. Use the following three tools to attract clients who understand the value of your time and services.

1. Professional Website 

A well-designed website paints a stunning narrative with the client as the main character. You branded messaging should be about the customer’s problems and how you can help solve them. Images, text, and videos work seamlessly to create a high-end look and feel. A large study out of Stanford University found that people frequently consider “look and design” when judging a website’s credibility. A great website makes your brand appear more credible.

2. Blog and Newsletter

A quality blog and newsletter will add value to your readers and help them make informed purchases. Educated clients have a better understanding of what goes into your craft. Regularly updated blogs boost site engine optimization which helps interested people discover your company through web searches. A monthly eNewsletter is great for keeping your brand top of mind for repeat clients or interested leads. In the newsletter, include short teasers that link to your blog posts to get people interested in visiting your website. Through educational posts, you provide an in-depth look at your industry knowledge. 

3. Case Studies

Many professionals will have a portfolio, CV, and testimonials that highlight their previous projects. These typically consist of a list of links and pictures. These things provide a surface level look into your goods and services. But to dive deeper, you need case studies. Case studies go beyond a page full of images of prior work. They provide a compelling narrative of how you used your skills to solve the client’s problems. These can be curated videos or full web pages. By using case studies, an interior designer can go in-depth about the design choices she made to solve specific clients’ problems and how the colors, textures, and accents all work together in a unique setting. 

By employing these three tools, you can build credibility, educate customers, and truly demonstrate the depth and breadth of your ability. 

Do you need help creating a high-end website? We can craft branded messages, blog posts, and case studies to attract new clients who will value your services for what they’re worth. Call (908) 963-1509 to schedule a consultation. 

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