Keep Your Audience Engaged with Regular Social Media Posts

Social media marketing
Picture of Audrey Kerchner

Audrey Kerchner

Chief Marketing Strategist, Inkyma

Social media marketing

Do you have a plan for engaging with your audience on social media? Using a business page on Instagram or Facebook is not the same thing as posting on your personal profile. Plenty of people hop on social media to update their friends or post random thoughts.

However, running a business page takes careful planning. Consider what your followers will find most engaging. Post interesting topics on a consistent schedule, but not too often. You want to stay on your followers’ minds without becoming a nuisance, so plan one to two posts per week. Also, pictures attract more attention; try to include a picture with every post.

If you are new to social media marketing for your business check out our free social media course on Youtube.

Educational Social Media Posts

But what should you post about? Share your valuable insight into your industry. Educational posts provide value to your social media followers. This can be addressing a pain point your potential customers might have. You can share interesting industry stats and data. “How-to” posts that show your audience how to do something tend to get shared more often. Share links to your latest blog post, or simply direct your readers to a fascinating article on an industry-related topic.

Call to Action

A Call to Action inspires your followers to take action that directly affects your company. This can be to visit your website or to call for an appointment. These posts can be associated with current promotions or timely topics surrounding your business. Sometimes the Call can be woven into your educational posts. Other times the post itself is a direct Call to Action. Limit these direct Calls to Action to once or twice per month.

Respond to Comments

Audience engagement is one the of biggest indicators of the success of a page on social media platforms. Since the platforms decide who gets to see your content knowing why they rank a page over another is important and engagement is one of the top indicators. When people come to your page and see that you are interactive with followers they are more likely to like a post or leave a comment and follow the page.

Every time users reach out to your company on social media, respond to them. If a user asks a question, answer it. If they leave a compliment, thank them. If you receive a negative comment, ask how you can make it better. Even if all they do is like or love the post, say thank you to encourage more people to do it.

Be Consistent Posting On Your Social Media Pages

You don’t have to post every day or every hour. Many businesses see success in posting a few times a week. The key to posting on social media is being consistent. Don’t post 3 or 4 posts one day and then nothing for 6 months.

Many business owners are busy so the key to being consistent is making it fast and easy. The best way to make it fast and easy is to use a social media scheduling tool like Social Pilot. The Social Pilot allows you to create and schedule posts all in one place so you can sit and do a month’s worth of content at one time but have it go and scheduled times for peak audience reach.

Check our Marketing Masterminds Social Pilot Tutorial to see if it’s the right tool for your business. The video walks you through all the main features and why they are helpful for your business. You can also check out our podcast episode where we Review Social Pilot

Reach out to talk to us about social media for your business. We would be happy to help you set up your social media posting with your team or take it over for you. Click on the Schedule a marketing evaluation button or fill out the contact form.

If you found this content helpful consider sharing it with other business owners you know. Our goal here at Inkyma is to help the entire business community grow and thrive.

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