Testimonials Are So Important For Your Business — Here’s How to Get Them

Picture of Audrey Kerchner

Audrey Kerchner

Chief Marketing Strategist, Inkyma

As you grow your business or brand, you want to make sure you’re continuing to pull potential customers in. But how do you do this successfully — and consistently?

An extremely powerful marketing tool, testimonials, work wonders for businesses to build trust with potential customers. They are well worth the time it takes to collect and post them to your website.

Why Are Customer Testimonials Important?

Customer testimonials are great because former and current customers are informing new customers why they chose your brand. They’re explaining their overall experience with your product or service. This is only going to make others who see this praise naturally think highly of your business.

Testimonials are also vital because it gives you a level of professionalism and expertise that you simply can’t give yourself. Sure, you can talk all about how you know what you’re doing. However, when you have a current customer say this, it comes across as much more authentic — and much more beneficial to your business.

How to Create Testimonials

There are different ways to create testimonials. If you would like written testimonials on your website or social media platforms, try reaching out to past and current customers via email. Ask these customers if they could write about their experience!

You can also ask new and past customers to rate or talk about their experience via platforms like Facebook and Google. Both websites offer reviews into businesses, so their input could greatly help your overall brand recognition.

If you’d like something even more impactful, create a video testimonial. If you run a business like a bakery, have the video show your interactions with customers, as well as show what the customers have to say about your food. Videos are the most impactful testimonials because you get the person’s emotions and energy along with great praise.   

Where to Place Testimonials 

Once you’ve gathered your ideal testimonials, it’s time to understand where to place them. Luckily, you have a lot of options. 

For social media, make sure that your testimonials are pinned to your page. For Facebook, pin your post; for Instagram, pin your Instagram story. This way, anyone who goes on your page will immediately see them.

Also, make sure to put testimonials in any newsletters you release for more awareness. Of course, any and all testimonials should be on your website. It will help to have some on the main page for casual visitors to immediately. Add testimonials on any separate product or service page, make sure those testimonials are related to those specific products or services.

Create the Best Video Testimonial

Help continue your brand’s success with testimonials! To learn more about how we can create a video testimonial to help your business thrive, schedule a time to chat.

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