How to Increase Sales Through Web Design This Holiday Season

Increase Sales Through Web Design
Picture of Audrey Kerchner

Audrey Kerchner

Chief Marketing Strategist, Inkyma

Converting followers to customers is important year-round — but the end of the year offers opportunities for businesses to really drive in sales. With the holidays right around the corner, make sure to increase sales through web design with these simple tips.

Optimize Your Mobile Site and Speed

Most website visitors browse your site on their mobile device, so you need to make sure that your site is optimized for efficient mobile use. If it’s not, fix this problem now. Many of the modern website design systems allow you to modify your mobile view separately from your desktop view so that everyone has an amazing user experience with you.

This doesn’t mean that you can ignore the desktop view. You’ll want to convert visitors to customers regardless of how they’re accessing your website.

Site speed is very important with search engine ranking. Google has announced that they are giving it even more weight next year. Keep your site fast by using small, yet high-quality images. Embed links and players from video servers or sites like Youtube rather than uploading videos to your website servers. To run tests on your website and see how you may need to improve it, check out Google’s free Page Speed Insights!

If your site is still running slow consider changing hosting providers. Not all hosting providers are the same and many of the cheaper service options will put you on servers that have a lot of sites or the sites have conflicting technology which slows everyone down. 

If your site is older than 3 years think about redesigning the site to take advantage of the latest technology available for mobile and site speed.

Simplify Your Check Out Options

No one likes jumping through hoops when paying for a product or service. Make sure your checkout process online is simple and easy to use for everyone. This also falls hand in hand with your website’s speed. Customers don’t like waiting around for your site to load, especially if they’re trying to buy something! Stay up to date with your check out process, make sure everything is working as it should, and look out for any customers who say they have problems. 

Shopify has seemless check out setup along with many payment options types. If you have a wordpress site woocommerce is an industry standard that many website designers know how to use.

Ask a non customer to test your check out process to see if it is truly easy to buy from you. If you can find someone who isn’t  comfortable with online shopping even better. If they feel it’s easy to use your site then you know savvy shoppers will fly through the process.

Clear Call To Actions To Increase Sales Through Web Design

Your call to actions are always one of the most important web design elements. The holiday season will bring more traffic and more customers your way which makes this design feature even more important. Clear CTAs will create more sales. A rule of thumb is to have at least 3 primary call to actions on each page and 1 to 2 secondary call to actions. The primary call to actions are to buy. A secondary call to action is to sign up for your email list to get more information or coupons if they are not ready to buy so you can keep in touch.

This also goes for any CTAs related to special sales or limited-time exclusive deals. As these may be tailored around the holiday season, design your website to clearly promote these offers. Once the limited time deals expire, make sure you replace the offer with a new one.

The Holidays Are A Great Time Increase Email List Membership

Ideally, you want people to buy from you now but if they don’t buy then you want them on your email list so they can buy from you in the future. It’s extremely important to connect your email marketing system to your website so they can sign up for your newsletter.

Whether you are using WordPress or Shopify you can use Mailchimp or Constant Contact to set up a sign-up form on your website to capture those additional email addresses for future buying opportunities.

If they did buy from you during the holiday season, you have captured their email address and you want to create an automation to welcome them now and then create potential buying opportunities throughout the up and coming year and into the next holiday season. Why is this important? Take a look at these stats

  • 25 – 30% of your revenue comes from repeat buyers
  • During the holidays many business see there biggest increase in new clients

Both Mailchimp and Constant Contact have the capability to create these automation processes.

Convert Visitors to Customers This Shopping Season

Do you want to increase sales through web design this holiday season? Let us help, we can provide web design and hosting to ensure you have a blowout holiday sales season.

To learn more about our services and how we can specifically help you, schedule a time to chat with us now!

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