2 Video Marketing Trends to Look Out For In 2021

video marketing trends
Picture of Audrey Kerchner

Audrey Kerchner

Chief Marketing Strategist, Inkyma

Video isn’t going away anytime soon. Thanks to popular social media platforms like Youtube and Facebook, video has become one of the best ways to engage with followers and customers. So, what video marketing trends can we look out for in 2021?

What does video marketing mean?

Video marketing is a marketing strategy that integrates video throughout all of your marketing campaigns. These videos can help businesses engage with their followers and customers, as well as increase awareness of their brand, services, and products.

2 Popular Video Marketing Trends In 2021

Using video on both your social media accounts and your website has always been beneficial for businesses. Users are much more likely to engage with a video on Facebook and Instagram than they are a still photo. In 2021, there are two popular video marketing trends that are already taking over.

Explainer/Educational Videos

Explainer videos,demonstrations, how-tos, etc.,have always been pretty popular on social media. Don’t expect that trend to go away! Many brands have begun to create these types of explainer and educational videos for their own services or products, and this seems to be the latest video trend for 2021. 

For example, a great how-to video for businesses could be you, an employee or an influencer explaining how a product solves a problem. A quick yet detailed video should show all the benefits of the product and why people would want to buy it.

User-Generated Videos

User-generated content (UGC) has always been loved by consumers, much like explainer videos. UGC is any content that is created solely by influencers, bloggers, or customers. Whereas consumers have been greatly influenced by photos from other users in the past, expect videos to become the latest UGC trend. 

UGC is highly influential to consumers and can greatly increase sales when done correctly. To get these types of videos, businesses can put together a contest to ask customers to upload their own video where they interact with or review specific products or services on social media, with a specific hashtag attached! The winner of the best video can be used in promotions or commercials, as well as receive some type of coupon, discount or free product.

Create Stunning Videos For Your Business

Do you want to utilize video on your social media and business websites? We can help! To learn more about how we can assist your company, schedule a time to chat with us today!

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