Networking How To Maximize This Effective Marketing Tactic

Networking How To Maximize This Effective Marketing Tactic
Picture of Audrey Kerchner

Audrey Kerchner

Chief Marketing Strategist, Inkyma

Networking How To Maximize This Effective Marketing Tactic

Marketing Strategies Podcast

Episode 15

Networking How To Maximize This Effective Marketing Tactic

Many business owners think if they are Networking its the only marketing they need to do for their business. Or the opposite if they are running automated campaigns and ads they don’t need to Network. Networking is a tactic just like digital advertising and it should be considered when you are creating your overall marketing strategy to see if its effective for your business.

That’s only half the battle. Once you have decided to become a networker you have to do it the right way to maximize your investement. Not only your monitary investment but your TIME investement as well.

In this episode “networking how to maximize this effective marketing tactic” we talk about the different types of networking you can do and figure out which groups or organizations are a good fit for your type of business. I also provide some tips on how to do it well so you can maximize this effective marketing tactic in your business.

Previous episodes mentioned in this podcast:

Marketing Strategy vs tactics

Interview with Colorado Foothills Properties – These guys know how to network 🙂

BNI Givers Gain Philosophy – this is important for everyone not just BNIers

Thanks so much for listening. If you have a question or a show topic suggestion fill out the contact form on our home page. I appreciate all your feedback.

You can also schedule a complimentary marketing evaluation as well. Lets talk!

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