Chatbot For Websites and Facebook Messenger

Picture of Audrey Kerchner

Audrey Kerchner

Chief Marketing Strategist, Inkyma

Chatbots are becoming more and more relevant when it comes to conducting business online. They help create a personalized user experience and engage with customers.

Text Chat Popularity

Most people today would rather communicate via text than by phone call. A majority (56%) of people surveyed said they preferred messaging over calling customer service. Likewise, people want immediate answers to their questions. 79% of consumers like live chat because they don’t have to wait on hold and they get instant answers.

Live Chat vs. Chatbot

There are two types of text chat options—live chat and chatbot. With live chat, the interaction is carried out by a human. On the other hand, a chatbot is carried out by artificial intelligence (AI). Live chat can handle more complex questions that require human reasoning. The benefit of chatbots is they can respond day or night quickly.

What are Chatbots?

Chatbots are a type of simple AI using text-based communications. The AI is programmed to provide answers to specific questions and even ask follow-up questions. Chatbots allow computers to understand and respond to natural human language. Many businesses have started using them to engage with customers online. There are over than 10,000 bots on Facebook Messenger alone.

Uses for Chatbots

You may have encountered chatbots that are live FAQs. They can let customers know your business hours. However, they can do so much more! Hotels can use them on website to book rooms. Restaurants use them to streamline reservations. With chatbots, you can order a pizza, check the weather, or schedule a meeting.

Facebook Messenger Bot

Facebook Messenger has a built-in chatbot system. So many users already have Facebook Messenger that many businesses prefer it over creating an app. If your company has a high volume of facebook messages, you might consider adding a bot. Customers can sign up for your newsletter or make purchases via the Facebook bot.

Chatbots supplement your human customer service team. By combining online chat with that human touch, your business can deliver real-time service and keep customers happy.

At Inkyma, we have the expertise to set up chatbots and create text to support your brand across your website and facebook messenger. Book a time to talk!

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