How to Use Video in Your Online Marketing Plan

how to use video in your online marketing plan

You want to take advantage of every chance to capture audience attention and communicate your message. Video marketing increases your impressions and reach across all digital platforms. Humans are hardwired to look at movement. A moving image on a screen causes people to stop scrolling and pay attention. 

Replacing still photography with video boosts your online marketing growth. We have seen our clients’ reach triple using video compared with still image posts. Video ads on Facebook offer an excellent return on investment (ROI), costing as low as .01 cents per click in some cases. For the biggest impact, also incorporate our previous tips on creating eye-catching posts.

Where to Use Video Marketing

For effective marketing, you need to upload in all the right places. Right now the places to be are Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram Stories. Facebook is the top social media platform for video content with 500 million users watching videos every day. Almost one-third of total internet users, over one billion people, are on YouTube. The number of Users on Insta-Stories has skyrocketed since its launch in 2016. Boost your reach with a mix of paid and unpaid content across platforms.  

It’s also important to place video content on platforms you control—your website, newsletter, and blogs. Embed videos into your eNewsletters as an intro to content and offers. Mix up your blog by occasionally posting a video to your blog rather than an article. Embed the post on your blog along with a short video description. Where possible, include a written description with your video this informs search engines and your audience about the content in the video. 

Tools for the Job

You may be asking yourself “Do I need to invest in an expensive camera and lighting equipment?” The answer depends on how you want your brand to look. Videos shot with your phone’s camera provide a personal and authentic feel. Record with plenty of natural lighting and hold the phone steady. A little bit of camera shake adds authenticity, but too much can be jarring for the viewer. 

Also, consider aspect ratio. YouTube is designed for a landscape (16:9) view. While the mobile app dynamically adapts to square and vertical footage, the desktop site adds image matting (black bars). This is not the case on other web video platforms. For example, Facebook hosts a wide variety of aspect ratios. Make the biggest splash on Facebook and Instagram with square (1:1) footage.

When you really want to showcase your products and services, smartphone-captured content just doesn’t cut it. High-quality videos on social media and your website enhance your company’s image in the public eye. Brands who strive for professional-quality video should hire professionals to shoot and edit the video. 

Need help with your video? We can shoot and edit for you. Plus, our marketing strategist will help identify the right places to upload your content for maximum ROI. Schedule a time to talk.

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