Top 3 Reasons to Use Facebook Ad Manager Instead of Post Boosting

Picture of Audrey Kerchner

Audrey Kerchner

Chief Marketing Strategist, Inkyma

Boosting is a quick way to spend your advertising budget, but there isn’t much evidence of a positive return on investment. It turns out, Post Boosting is a waste of time for most advertising objectives. Facebook Ad Manager lets companies create, monitor, and review ads to maximize your budget and see good results.

You can increase paid engagement on Facebook through Post Boosting or Facebook Ad Manager. Boosting lets you pay to show an already existing post to more people. Facebook makes the option to promote content visible to page administrators.

Three Reasons to Use Facebook Ad Manager

1. Audience

Facebook Ad Manager lets you upload your customer list and create a “lookalike audience” to aim your ads to people similar to your customer list. This is targeting at its best. 

You can create ads that will retarget your warm audience. These are users who have interacted with your Facebook page, your posts, or your website. Warm users are more likely to buy from you due to prior exposure to your brand.

2. Ad Types

You can run more types of ads that meet specific objectives with Facebook Ads Manager. For example, with lead generation ads potential clients fill out forms and get downloads all without leaving Facebook. Video ads show your content to people in your target audience who are most likely to watch videos. Facebook breaks down the reporting by how long people viewed your video so that you can retarget people who watched the longest.

3. Instagram

Facebook owns Instagram. You can run ads on both platforms from one budget. In Ad Manager, you can create content to target Facebook users and Instagram users as well. Facebook has an automated system that splits your advertising budget among the sites.

Not ready to dive into the world of Facebook Ad Manager? We have trained staff who work with Facebook Ads Manager every day. Let us can create, manage, and report on all your ads to maximize your advertising budget. Schedule a time to talk about your marketing.

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