5 Current Social Media Marketing Trends to Try

social media marketing trends
Picture of Audrey Kerchner

Audrey Kerchner

Chief Marketing Strategist, Inkyma

Social media is an ever-changing field, so finding marketing that works for your business can feel impossible. Here are 5 social media marketing trends that have recently taken off — and it looks like they won’t be going anywhere in the near future.

1. Influencers Still Work

It appears that influencer power isn’t going away anytime soon. Influencers tend to be much more persuasive to customers than your average marketing campaign. After all, we’d much prefer a recommendation from a regular person who’s our peer (or who we look up to) than from a business we know is trying to sell to us.

2. User-Generated Content is Growing

While influencers are still quite popular, user-generated content isn’t going anywhere, either! It always helps to learn customers’ unfiltered opinions about your business, and it definitely doesn’t hurt to reshare these favorable comments on social media. Has someone tweeted about their time at your restaurant? Retweet it! 

3. Social Media = Customer Service

Using social media as a way to contact customer service has become a growing trend in the last few years across many platforms. Many people choose to contact businesses and ask questions (such as what their services are, or even questions about products they may have bought) through Twitter and Instagram now. 

You may soon find yourself in this position as your business grows. If you prepare for this beforehand, you’ll be able to use this new trend as a great marketing technique! At the very least, don’t be caught off guard if customers begin to ‘direct message’ you online about their orders. 

4. Video Is the Way to Go

Video is another factor that isn’t going away anytime soon. Video on social media has grown greatly in the past few years, and it’s become an amazing way for businesses to connect with customers easily. If you haven’t started using video on your Facebook or social media feeds, now is the time.

5. Find Your Niche Community 

Finally, finding your niche communities online has also become a great social media marketing trend in the past few years. Some businesses have joined Facebook groups or Pinterest group boards to help spread brand recognition. Finding a community directly related to your industry in this way can easily help engagement.  

Obviously, this won’t necessarily work for every business or industry. While you may not be able to find a group to join, there’s nothing saying that you can’t create your own little community of online followers and customers! Keep your branding on point and you could even create a community of followers actually engaging, rather than just scrolling past your posts.

How to succeed with social media marketing trends

Start small you don’t need to implement everything all at once. Start with one, get the hang of it then move on to the next one.

The key to any social media marketing strategy is consistency over time. If you chose to implement any of these trends make sure you commit to the execution of it for at least 3 to 6 months. During this time frame look at your data to see if you are seeing improvement in followers and reach. This will encourage you to keep going and to know if your efforts are working.

Looking for help to increase activity through your social media platforms? Schedule a time to chat with us to learn how we can design and execute a social media marketing campaign that works for you!

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