Focus Your Content to Get More Clients

Video Marketing

Connecting with future customers through social media is a business best practice. To compete, your business needs to meet people where they are. Chances are, your potential clients are on social media. With 1.5 billion monthly active users, Facebook is one of the best places to reach your target audience.

Increase Your Reach by Keeping Content Fresh

Unlike on your personal page, you cannot post random thoughts on your business page. To be successful, you need a content marketing strategy. Business posts need to focus on topics surrounding your industry. Use social media and blogs to show how your products and services solve peoples problems. 

Choosing Topics

Start by selecting 5 broad topics. Keep all the post and blog articles on these topics. Focus on areas surrounding your services and products. You can stretch beyond what you sell by including the lifestyle you create for clients. 

Consider a general contractor who focuses on renovations, additions, and new construction. They can also talk about interior design and architecture. This week, the page shares a video about recent trends in architecture. Next week, they post an image of a renovated bathroom with a description of the amazing new steam shower.

For longer topics, create blog posts on your website. Then you can link to them via social media. Fresh content on your site demonstrates you have active, industry knowledge. It also boosts SEO. 

Educational Content

All posts should not be about selling or direct sales. Instead, create value for your reader with posts about your industry. Keep posts fun and educational. Change it up with links, images, and videos. 

In the example above, the general contractor shares industry adjacent information. Readers may learn about new architectural trends from the video. Later they hire the contractor to renovate their home to keep up with trends. 

The bulk of posts should be helpful or interesting information. This will keep your audience engaged. Post one call to action (CTA) posts for every three educational posts. With the 3 to 1 ratio, the majority of posts offer value while a few directly ask for business.

Don’t have the time to create the content you need for social media and your blog? We can help you differentiate yourself from the competition. Schedule a time to talk about your business. 

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