Articles and News

A/B Testing to convert more leads into customers

A/B Testing to Convert More Leads Into Customers

Split Testing, also known as A/B Testing, converts more leads to clients. When performed properly, this advanced concept can help you convert better qualified and quality leads into clients over a selected period of time. Join Audrey while she explains the basic best practices to start mastering this marketing strategy.

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Use A Marketing Calendar For Business Growth

Use A Marketing Calendar For Business Growth

Does working on a marketing plan make you feel overwhelmed? The use of a marketing calendar for business growth should be an essential part of your arsenal. When you create a plan you remove the need to think about what to do each month. Whether you use an agency or a contractor, Audrey will provide some tips and tricks in this episode to get even the most disorganized person feeling great about planning their content each month.

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email marketing best practices in 2022

Top 3 Email Marketing Best Practices In 2022

The 3 email marketing best practices in 2022 are focused on creating an engaging campaign for your audience and making sure you are sending to a clean list. These trends focus on content and best practices in sending. You want to send engaging emails and run email marketing campaigns that truly bring about results — and with these three trending

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how to grow your online presence

How to Grow Your Online Presence — and Find New Customers

Wondering how to grow your online presence and find new customers? There are three major ways you can increase your business’s presence online, which we detail below! How to Grow Your Online Presence It is essential that your business has an online presence. About 70-80% of people research a company before purchasing or visiting the business in person. So, making

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When Is the Right Time to Hire a Marketing Agency?

When Is the Right Time to Hire a Marketing Agency?

Do you know the difference between a marketing agency and a contractor? Why should you hire an agency, and when is the right time for your business? In this episode, we answer all those questions and more as we discuss what a good agency will do for your business and your marketing strategy.

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Marketing Your Company and Your Client’s Property

Marketing Your Company and Your Client’s Property

On this episode we take a deep dive interviewing Kilian Gordan and Craig Kallian, Business Development Managers with Hoste, as they discuss not only how they market themselves but how they are navigating the short-term and long-term rental marketing space for their customers’ properties.

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Marketing To Affluent Consumers

Marketing To Affluent Consumers

Many business owners want to market to affluent consumers. Those that don’t mind spending more to get greater value so they get exactly what they want. It’s a topic that Audrey talks about frequently and has done quite a bit of research on for her customers. She shares her thoughts and insights about the particular market segment: who they are and how to find and market to them. She also shares how to brand your business to attract this market segment as well.

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Marketing For Startup Businesses

Marketing For Startup Businesses

Get inspired by Axon Health’s journey through their 1st year and get actionable insights on what you can do for your start up business. We interviewed Dr Erica Abraham of Axon Health, a mobile chiropractic practice in Colorado Springs. Dr. Erica shares with us their unique business model and how they have marketed their business during their 1st critical year and what they are planning for the next few years.

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A Simple SEO Strategy For Your Website

This won’t be a technical discussion about Search Engine Optimization. Audrey going to be more of your translator to bridge the gap between the technical jargon of SEO and the practical application. On this episode, she will be sharing the top things you need to do to optimize your site, tools you can use and of course action steps to get you started.

Thanks so much for listening. If you have a question or a show topic suggestion go to our website and fill out the contact form in the footer. I appreciate all your feedback.

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