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3 Elements Your Website Design MUST Include

There are many factors to consider when designing your website. As a business owner, it’s important that you make sure your branding is complete and clear to all visitors. Once you have your overall branding design (color scheme, font designs, etc) figured out, there are three main elements that your website needs. Regardless of what industry or niche you fall

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How to Increase Engagement Through Subtle Website Motion

The purpose of a website for your business is to help engage with your audience. Your website helps inform them of exactly what you offer, letting them know if you provide what they want or need.  Once your website informs them of this, your site should also help them make their next action to engage, purchase, or subscribe. But how

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animated gifs

Using Animated GIFs to Convey Complex Ideas

A picture is worth a thousand words. And moving pictures are worth even more. Video and animated images are a great way to convey ideas online. Plus, they are a useful marketing tool. Social Media sites like Tumblr, Instagram and TikTok have spurred the popularity of Animated GIFs online. GIFs are fun, attention-grabbing, and easy to share on social media. 

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Industry Jargon Video

Is Industry Jargon Scaring Away Potential Customers?

Remember, potential customers are not industry experts. You are. People with years of experience in a particular field sometimes use jargon that is unfamiliar to the general population. When addressing potential clients, subject matter experts should speak at a level someone outside the industry can comprehend. When people have a clear understanding of what you do, they are more likely

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2019 Website Trends to Grow Your Business

The world wide web is always evolving. Changes in technology usage, search engine algorithms, and user expectations drive current website trends of 2019. By keeping up with these patterns, you can boost engagement and connect with customers.  Mobile-first Is your website designed with desktop computers first and mobile devices second? Considering that 70 percent of all web traffic happens on

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graphic design

Top 3 Marketing Tools for Attracting Clientele Who Pay What You Are Worth

Tired of potential customers questioning your prices? Maybe you just need to attract different clients. There are people out there who are ready and willing to pay top dollar for services and goods from knowledgeable professionals. Consider the case of an entrepreneur with a bachelor’s degree in interior design and many years of experience working in her field. She has

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marketing agency

Taking Control of your Website Design Content (part 4 of 4)

In this series, we’ve been discussing how to use website design strategies to attract more customers. In the last post, we reviewed strategies for boosting user engagement on your site. Now, we are going to discuss how to take back control of your content after your site has been professionally designed. Backup Your Content Let’s say you hire a new

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website engagement

User Engagement Strategies that Attract More Customers (Part 3)

In this four-part series, we are discussing how to use website design strategies to attract more customers. The last post, we overviewed site load time and mobile user experience. Now we are going to talk about keeping users engaged while on your website. The is a ton of content on the web, and interactive tools will make your website stand

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Website Design Agency

How to Design Your Website to Attract More Customers (Part 1)

Your web presence is more than simply a means of conveying business hours and locations to potential clients. A professional website design creates confidence. When surveyed 94% of people cited web design as the reason they mistrusted or rejected a website. When people see a user-friendly, high-quality website they are more likely to view your company as adept, organized, and

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