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animated gifs

Using Animated GIFs to Convey Complex Ideas

A picture is worth a thousand words. And moving pictures are worth even more. Video and animated images are a great way to convey ideas online. Plus, they are a useful marketing tool. Social Media sites like Tumblr, Instagram and TikTok have spurred the popularity of Animated GIFs online. GIFs are fun, attention-grabbing, and easy to share on social media. 

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Industry Jargon Video

Is Industry Jargon Scaring Away Potential Customers?

Remember, potential customers are not industry experts. You are. People with years of experience in a particular field sometimes use jargon that is unfamiliar to the general population. When addressing potential clients, subject matter experts should speak at a level someone outside the industry can comprehend. When people have a clear understanding of what you do, they are more likely

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2019 Website Trends to Grow Your Business

The world wide web is always evolving. Changes in technology usage, search engine algorithms, and user expectations drive current website trends of 2019. By keeping up with these patterns, you can boost engagement and connect with customers.  Mobile-first Is your website designed with desktop computers first and mobile devices second? Considering that 70 percent of all web traffic happens on

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More Clients

Want More Clients? Know what they want from you to make the connection

Focusing on what customers want will help you get more clients. The services you offer are the solution to your potential customer’s external problems. But what about their internal struggles? First show customers that you understand their internal issues. Then you can describe how your company is the solution. When creating content, first speak to the customer’s internal struggles. Let

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Videos Customers Want

Top 5 Types of Videos Customers Want to See

Video popularity is on the rise, be sure to create videos customers want. But before jumping on the video content marketing bandwagon, make sure you understand what will attract the people you want as customers. The potential of videos as marketing has grown over recent years.  The next generation is growing up. People ages 7 – 23 (Generation Z) watch

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Blog Content

Top 3 Things to Include When Blogging for Content Marketing

The blog on a business website is a valuable marketing tool in the modern age. But it only works if done right. When you are blogging to promote more business, there are certain things you need to do every time you write a post. Using these three tips to transform your company blog into effective content marketing. 1. Write for

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Top 3 Reasons to Use Facebook Ad Manager Instead of Post Boosting

Boosting is a quick way to spend your advertising budget, but there isn’t much evidence of a positive return on investment. It turns out, Post Boosting is a waste of time for most advertising objectives. Facebook Ad Manager lets companies create, monitor, and review ads to maximize your budget and see good results. You can increase paid engagement on Facebook

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how to plan your marketing for the new year

Close Friends: How to Use Instagrams Latest Feature

    Instagram has rolled out a new feature called Close Friends. It’s a way to share posts with select individuals. This new feature lets you create a list of specific followers. Then you can share select Instagram Stories and Posts with only these designated users.  Your business can take advantage of this feature. Create a list of select followers who

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how to plan your marketing for the new year

How to Plan your Marketing for the New Year

The new year is in full swing. Have you taken time to prepare your business for revenue grow? A crucial step is defining your goals and objectives for the year so you know what you want to achieve—then comes your marketing strategy. This post will walk you through the steps needed to create an effective marketing plan for 2019. First,

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how to use video in your online marketing plan

How to Use Video in Your Online Marketing Plan

You want to take advantage of every chance to capture audience attention and communicate your message. Video marketing increases your impressions and reach across all digital platforms. Humans are hardwired to look at movement. A moving image on a screen causes people to stop scrolling and pay attention. Replacing still photography with video boosts your online marketing growth. We have

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