Inkyma's Marketing Strategies

Networking How To Maximize This Effective Marketing Tactic

Networking How To Maximize This Effective Marketing Tactic

Marketing Strategies Podcast Episode 15 Networking How To Maximize This Effective Marketing Tactic Many business owners think if they are Networking its the only marketing they need to do for their business. Or the opposite if they are running automated campaigns and ads they don’t need to Network. Networking is a tactic just like digital advertising and it should be

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Email vs. Social Media Marketing. Which is Better?

Marketing Strategies Podcast Episode 14 Email vs. Social Media Marketing. Which is Better? When I chat with business owners and talk about marketing the conversation usually goes to social media. Its the relatively new kid on the block. But is it the right choice for every type of business. That is what this episode “Email vs Social Media Marketing. Which

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use niche marketing to grow your business

Use Niche Marketing To Grow Your Business

Marketing Strategies Podcast Episode 13 Use Niche Marketing To Grow Your Business In this episode I talk about the different types of Niche Marketing Vertical Niche Marketing Horizontal Nice Marketing The benefits of niche marketing. I walk you through how to identify your niche and how to start working with them. Here are links to previous podcasts that I mention

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corporate social responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility – Interview with Vectra Bank Colorado

Marketing Strategies Podcast Episode 12 Corporate Social Responsibility – Interview with Vectra Bank Colorado Brandon Eldridge with Vectra Bank Colorado joined me in this episode. He and many members of the bank spend a of their free time with not-for-profits and charity events and encourage their employees to do so as well. Its part of their corporate culture. Here are

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leverage business connections through social media

Leverage business connections through social media – Interview with Cassie Smith Owner of True Nature Roofing

Marketing Strategies Podcast Episode 11 Leverage business connections through social media – Interview with Cassie Smith Owner of True Nature Roofing In this episode, I have conversation with Cassie Smith of True Nature Roofing. A womens owned roofing company. This by itself is pretty inspriational. Not only do we talk about the advantages of being a women business owner we

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Use QR Codes To Increase Sales

Use QR Codes To Increase Sales

Marketing Strategies Podcast Episode 10 Use QR Codes To Increase Sales QR Codes are finally ready for prime time. They are the bridge between print and digital marketing. This opens up more opportunities for people to work with your business. I talk about where to use them both in print and where they can point to online with examples. I

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giving back campaigns

Giving Back Campaigns Interview | Adam and Son Auto Plaza

Marketing Strategies Podcast Episode 8 Giving Back Campaigns Interview | Adam and Son Auto Plaza Scott Gill with Adam and Son Auto Plaza and I had a great discussion about how companies can create and promote giving back campaigns. These types of campaigns are a really great marketing tool when inspired from the heart. They help the community and they

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Network Marketing

Network Marketing Interview | Colorado Foothills Properties

Marketing Strategies Podcast Episode 8 Network Marketing Interview | Colorado Foothills Properties I had a wonderful discussion with John and Tyson Liese, father and son owners of Colorado Foothills Properties. During the interview, we had an in-depth discussion about how to use network marketing to increase awareness and build a strong referral base regardless of what industry you are in.

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Value Based Marketing Podcast

Value Based Marketing To Increase Sales

Marketing Strategies Podcast Episode 7 Value Based Marketing To Increase Sales Value Based Marketing is targeting customers who are willing to pay more for a product because it aligns with their values. Learn how to be able to charge more and attract the right type of clients to your business. I share the top 3 core values and how to

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Marketing Interview Infinite Disposal

Marketing Interview Infinite Disposal

Marketing Strategies Podcast Episode 6 Marketing Interview Infinite Disposal In this episode, I have a conversation with Chad Mason from Infinite Disposal where we talk about the business, the waste management industry, and how they market to their customers. We chat about QR codes Video and what type of video works best for them Social Media Marketing I love doing

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